• Lofty ambition sets afoot: Congratulate VHS CEO Ms.Zhang Zhiyun on graduating from Hupan University

    The 2nd graduation ceremony of Hupan University was held in Hangzhou on 27th March,2019. After three-year-study, Ms. Zhang Zhiyun, CEO of VHS, received the Li Xing Shu graduation certificate issued by Principal Jack Ma. Hupan University is jointly initiated by nine entrepreneurs and scholars such as Jack Ma and Liu Chuanzhi. It aims to discover and train Chinese entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial spirit. It is recognized that wonderful business is the effective force for solving social problems and promoting world progress. Hupan University is named as “the Huangpu Military Academy" in commercial world.  

    Jack Ma issued Li Xing Shu to Ms. Zhang Zhiyun. (Resource from: Hupan University)

    Graduating from Hupan University, the harvest is not only the voluminous knowledge, but also the invaluable idea. It is said that the gathering of talents can collide with the spark of wisdom. The past three years of study have enabled Ms. Zhang Zhiyun to strengthen her belief that a company has to create the economic benefits, and also it has to create social benefits. She believes to make enterprises bigger and stronger and also to make a good company!

    A good company should not only have a sense of dedication, but also advocate a growth mentality and always maintain a learning attitude, which truly achieve "ambition sets afford." At present, there are two subsidiary corporation under VHS: Valurise Health Solutions Internatioal Limited (VHS Consulting) and Valurise Health Solutions Artificial Intelligence Co., Ltd. (VHS Technology). The group's initial intention was to “make health easy” and uphold the value proposition of “neutral, and only for health”, providing different services for business client of insurance channels and corporate channels.

    VHS Consulting is China's first comprehensive health management (H-EAP) service organization and integrated health care service leader. It is committed to providing reliable third-party employee physical and mental health risk management solutions for advanced employers. VHS Consulting has been working in the industry for 11 years and have served hundreds of large enterprises. VHS Consulting has been awarded “China EAP Industry 20th Anniversary Case Award” by employee Assistance Professionals Association and many leading domestic human resources service organizations in 2018; the top 5 institutions by domestic EAP service institution in 2017; Chinese Top Ten Influential Human Resources Brand Award in 2017 and so on.

    VHS Technology is China's leading insur-tech company with emphasis on health risk management, providing infrastructure-level intelligent risk management and business systems for the health insurance industry.

    The one-stop artificial intelligent health insurance system VAIHI ® is hailed by China Insurance News as "marking the first time in the history of the insurance industry to have a health insurance system based on artificial intelligence technology“. VHS Technology won the “Global Fintech Venture Competition Top10” "The Best Insur-Tech Innovation Award", "China Internet Health Top30" and so on.

    Chinese famous writer Xuan Yong Guang once said in his book Crazy Language "Do things should be like climbing mountain, never stops until you reach the goal, also like flowing water, which benefits all things and does not compete with them." VHS believes that action speaks louder than words so we should take advantage of the situation and following the trend. The following sentence quoted by the founder of VHS: "In the next 10 years, VHS will serve 200 million people. We believe that a geek with a sense of mission and idealism will eventually subvert the world." VHS will bravely carrying lofty ambition and set afford.

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